Parent Information » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

7:40 a.m.  --  School Yard Opens           8:15 a.m.   --  Warning Bell          8:20 a.m.  --  Tardy Bell

TARDIES — A student is considered tardy upon arrival to class after the tardy bell. Prompt attendance at school is a requisite for good citizenship, responsibility, and academic achievement. After 8:30 a.m. a child who is tardy must report directly to the office to check in and receive a tardy slip before being admitted to class. Tardy students will be expected to walk themselves to class WITHOUT a parent/guardian escort.

ABSENCES — If your child is absent from school, be sure to call the office to inform them of the reason and length of absence then send a written note upon your child's return. In some cases, the school may require a note from a physician. The excessive use of unverified parent notes may result in the school requesting additional documentation for all future absences. Sample note for absence:

My child, (include first and last name), was absent from school on xx/xx/xxxx because s/he had a fever. (Please state the reason instead of simply writing that the child was sick.) 

attendance band
School Attendance
Bell Schedule